The American Hungarian Friends of Scouting along with the Cleveland Hungarian scout troops held their annual Hungarian Scout Banquet on Sunday, February 26, 2017 in the St. Emeric Roman Catholic Church hall. The 300 guests were greeted by the AHFS President Michael Horvath who thanked them for their presence and support.
During the program, Cleveland District Scout Commissioner Andrea Meszaros introduced 16 new young adult scout leaders and presented them with a commemorative document in appreciation of their work with the scouts this past year. Former AHFS President Bea Tabor was presented the White Stag Leadership Award from the AHFS for her past many years volunteer work as a teacher for ten years at the Hungarian School, plus two years as its principal, and for dedicated work as president of the AHFS for the past six years.
While the guests feasted on the delicious dinner prepared by chief chefs and scout leaders Judith Gyorky and Krisztina Tabor and their crew, everyone was entertained by a slide show presentation of pictures from the Hungarian Scout Folk Ensembles three week research trip last summer to Hungary, and to Hungarian minority areas of Serbia and Romania. HSFE Director Mathias Tabor thanked those gathered for their financial support which made the trip possible.
A short film by Assistant Scout Leader Julian Kozmon of Troop 14’s past summer camp was shown to everyone’s delight on the big screen on stage. This was followed by Scout Master Dr. Endre Szentkiraly’s slide presentation of the boy and girl scout troops’ plans for camping with Hungarian scouts from the west coast, Vancouver and Calgary next summer in the California high country wilderness.
The Bocskai Radio’s Lorand Csibi was also on hand to present to Hungarian Scout Fund Director and Scout Leader Krisztina Nadas a check for $2,000 which they raised to help pay for a new infirmary to be constructed at the Hungarian Scout Association’s Scout Park in Fillmore, New York where, amongst many activities, scout leadership training camps also take place.
The girls from Scout Troop 34 wrapped up the afternoon with their raffle where many wonderful gifts were raffled off to the delight of the many guests in attendance.