For the 65th time, the American Hungarian Friends of Scouting (AHFS) organized Ohio’s largest Hungarian festival on Sunday, September 5th. Perhaps, because it was missed last year due to the pandemic, a huge crowd descended on the festival at the German Central Park to eat, drink, and have fun. The lines snaked around in front of the counters serving Hungarian delicacies and fresh baked goods. The numbers speak for themselves:
2,800 participants
nearly 1600 fried dough, elephant ears
500+ grilled pork steaks
1500 pieces of stuffed cabbage rolls
nearly 500 pounds of chicken paprikash
nearly 500 pieces of debreceni sausage
225 pounds of fresh grilled sausage
26 barrels of beer
18 gallons of ice cream
650 crepes
750+ slices of dobos and walnut cake
650 napoleons
26 strips of strudel
600 bacon biscuits
The Cleveland Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble and members of the scout troops provided Hungarian dance lessons in addition to the impromptu short folk dance performances throughout the day. Musical entertainment was provided live all afternoon by local talent, Walt Mahovlich and Harmonia, and Alex Udvary and his band from Chicago. Programs such as a live wild animal show, free children’s activities, a book fair, folk arts and crafts presentations, souvenirs and novelties completed the festivities. The guests overwhelmed the bazaar and took home old, recycled Hungarian books by the sackful.
All proceeds will benefit and support the nearly 250 Hungarian scouts who are celebrating 70 years of Hungarian scouting in northeast Ohio. The first North American Hungarian scout troop was formed in Cleveland in 1951. The Cuyahoga Arts and Culture supported this event with a generous grant.

See pictures from the 65th Hungarian Festival here.

Videó interview from the festival with Dr. Zsolt Pava, diplomat from the Hungarian Consul General in Chicago (in Hungarian, but great video of the festival).