The American Hungarian Friends of Scouting cordially invites you to its 65th Annual Hungarian Scout Benefit Ball on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. at the Woodside Event Center, 5025 East Mill Road, Broadview Heights, Ohio, ballroom. Ball proceeds to benefit Hungarians in Ukraine.
The AHFS will hold its traditional debutante ball for the 65th time, providing an opportunity for Cleveland’s Hungarian community to celebrate in tuxedos and evening gowns. Enjoy an exquisite dinner with friends in elegant surroundings, with the beauty of the debutante dance and a 19th century court dance by the Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble. Help support the scouting community while preserving cultural traditions, and this year the Cleveland Hungarian Girl Scout troops are celebrating their 65th and 70th anniversaries.
The goal of scouting is to provide exemplary citizens to the community at large: from young children to young adults who contribute to their families, schools, jobs, and communities, all with activities in the great outdoors, developing their morals, character and abilities to cooperate with and serve others.
In this post-online coronavirus world, our scouts are meeting in person again. Despite the last two years, they perpetuate our culture by holding weekly meetings, hiking, and camping on a regular basis, as they have since 1951 here in Cleveland.
We ask for your continued support, because you help strengthen the community. Current international events also provide an additional opportunity for scouts to help others; our debutante ball’s profits will be devoted to the aid of Hungarians living in Transcarpathia, in Ukraine. Thank you for supporting our activities!