The commemoration of the Hungarian 1848 Revolution and War of Independence was held at the West Side Hungarian Lutheran Church in Cleveland on Sunday, March 17, 2024. Nearly 200 people participated in the program of the United Hungarian Societies, organized by János Szabó, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Program (KCSP) scholarship holder.

Several scouts took part in the program, starting with Andrea Meszaros, Scout Troop Leader, who led the program as president of UHS. Dr. Endre Szentkiralyi, scout master, former President of UHS, was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for his faithful and persistent work among the Hungarians of Cleveland by Hungary’s Honorary Consul in Ohio, Rev. Dr. Csaba Krasznai. The Cleveland Boy Scouts/Leaders, Zoltan Csiszer, Dominic Takacs, Christian Balassy, Hunor Zsurzsa, and Marko Laszlo recited poems and Sarah Peter, Hungarian scout from Hungary and KCSP Fellow, sang a solo. The members of the Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble performed a dramatic dance performance, which was thanked by a standing ovation from the audience. Some adult scouts also participated in the United Hungarian Churches Choir.

The guest of honor was Laszlo Aradvari, community diplomat of the Consulate General of Hungary in Chicago, and the keynote speaker was Gabor Mozsi, President of the Hungarian Club of Chicago. We would like to thank the Lutheran Church and its pastor, Rev. Eva Tamasy, for providing the venue and for the hospitality of food and refreshments afterwards.

Pictures from the program can be viewed HERE.

At the 1848 commemoration, members of the Cleveland Hungarian Scout Folk Ensemble and the boys’ scout troop performed a dramatic presentation and dance, which ended with a standing ovation from the audience. We congratulate them and are very proud of them!

You can watch it here; it starts at about 59 minutes: Clevelandi megemlékezés az 1848/49-es forradalom és szabadságharc tiszteletére – YouTube