Steven Szappanos, Dec. 1, 1929 – Dec. 12, 2022. Retired electrical engineer, Scoutmaster of Hungarian Scout Troop No. 22, 1953-1956, Paul Teleki Hungarian Scout Camp Director, 1962-1972, Cleveland Hungarian Scout District Commissioner, 1964-66. In 1972 he became Region III. (USA) Commissioner of the Hungarian Scout Association in Exteris. He was vice president of the Hungarian Museum in Cleveland from 1997-99 and 2004-2009, and its president from 2001-2003.

Obituary for Steve Emeric Szappanos

With a heavy heart, widow Suzanne Petres Szappanos with solace in the will of God, shares with grief that her beloved husband Steve Emeric Szappanos, age 93, passed away on December 12, 2022.

He was a Cleveland-Hungarian Scout Association scoutmaster, a retired electrical engineer from Rockwell Automation, former U.S. Army Korean war veteran, former president of the Hungarian Museum in Cleveland, patriarch, and historian of the Szappanos family, in the 93rd year of his life, in the 66th year of his marriage to Susan, with faith and reassurance in eternal life, returned his noble Hungarian soul to his Creator.

We bid farewell to him on Saturday, January 7, 2023, at 11 am with a memorial service at the First Hungarian Reformed Church, 14530 Alexander Rd, Walton Hills, OH 44146. His ashes will be laid to rest in peace forever in the Szappanos family mausoleum in Kecskemét, Hungary.

Those who mourn, his children and their spouses: Kathleen and husband Attila Pap, László and wife Stefanie (Krofina) Szappanos, George and wife Nadine (Mazzocco) Szappanos, Anna and husband Timothy Hill; His grandchildren: Dylan Pap, Austin Pap, Kristen Szappanos, Andrew Szappanos, Nicholas Szappanos, Zachary Szappanos, Maxwell Hill, Catherine Hill, and Lauren Hill; Sister-in-law: Judith Petres Balogh (Veszprém, Hungary); His cousins: widow Katalin Dusek Szappanos (Edmonton, Canada), László Szappanos (Kecskemét, Hungary); Distant nephew: György Szappanos (Budapest, Hungary); and their spouses, children and grandchildren, as well as many friends in Hungary and the United States. He was preceded in death by his mother and father, Márta and István and brother Tamás.